Welcome to the Municipality of Bianzano-Ranzanico
Discover the beauties of Val Cavallina
Welcome to the information point of the territorial tourist services of Bianzano and Ranzanico in Valle Cavallina! The exhibition route will introduce you to the area covered by the two municipalities, the beautiful natural surroundings, the proposed itineraries and the typical local products, in order to best optimize your stay according to your needs and interests. The information point, where you are now, is located in the old-town centre of Bianzano, while a second facility is located in Ranzanico, at the Palazzo RE – Meris in the structure that houses the Municipal Library.
The info point represents the starting point of a guided tour of the particular features and attractions of the area, supported by the audio guide. The audio guide tracks can also be downloaded onto your mobile devices thanks to the QR Codes, located along the urban route and indicated on the map available in the info points. The proposed itineraries include a ring-route linking Bianzano and Ranzanico, so visitors can also fully discover the natural environment and historical sites with a splendid view of Lake Endine.
The room hosts panels, totems and videos presenting the various aspects of the valley. In the touchscreen are collected the photographic, documentary and video files for a better understanding of the local heritage. On the floor is a graphic carpet displaying the map of the area showing the main places and itineraries. For further logistic details, the VISITAPP Bianzano-Ranzanico application can be downloaded onto your mobile devices; this is easy to browse and features nine thematic sections. We now invite you to take a journey of discovery of the culture, nature and tasting of local products.
Enjoy your trip! After listening to each section of the audio guide, we suggest you press the pause button before going on to the next point.
Listen the audio guide

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Upon exiting the information point, you will find yourself in Piazza Nuova, in the center of the historic village where the bell tower with the statue of San Rocco patron stands, a few steps from the entrance to the Church and the medieval castle.

The various paths, with adequate coordinated signs, can be a discovery for further trekking routes or for bikers, crossing the ancient streets up to the mountain pastures that climb the ridges of the Crocione and Pler mountains.

Let yourself be carried away by a tour steeped in history. You will have the opportunity to visit pieces of history such as the Suardi Castle, the Sanctuary of Santa Maria Assunta and the Parish Church of San Rocco
Welcome to the information point of the tourist area services of Ranzanico and Bianzano in the Valle Cavallina! The route is designed to introduce you to the area of the two municipalities, its attractions, suggested itineraries and its local products, so as to optimise your stay in relation to your needs and interests. The information point, where you are now, is located in the spaces of the Municipal Library. The second info point is located in the old-town centre of Bianzano and represents the starting point of a tour of the major attractions of the area with the support of an audio guide. The audio guide tracks can also be downloaded onto your mobile devices thanks to the QR Codes, located along the urban route and indicated on the map available in the info points. The proposed itineraries include a ring-route linking Ranzanico and Bianzano, so visitors can also fully discover the natural environment and historical sites with a splendid view of Lake Endine.
The room hosts panels, totems and videos presenting the various aspects of the area. In the touchscreen are collected the photographic, documentary and video files for a better understanding of the local heritage. On the floor is a graphic carpet displaying the map of the area showing the main places and itineraries. For further logistic details, the VISITAPP Bianzano-Ranzanico application can be downloaded onto your mobile devices; this is easy to browse and features nine thematic sections. We now invite you to take a journey of discovery of the culture, nature and tasting of local products. Enjoy your trip! Now the visitor can take a walk through the old-town centre towards via Pellico and via Diaz to visit the splendid Palazzo Re – Meris, home to the Fa’lfil Silk Museum, the “C’era una volta” ethnographic collection and the municipal library. The building is open to visitors on the dates indicated by the Town Council authorities. Guided visitors can also be arranged and booked by calling the council offices Tel. 035 829022. After listening to each section of the audio guide, we suggest you press the pause button and reach the next point.
Listen the audio guide

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Here you are in the center of the historic village of Ranzanico, along the gravelly slopes of Mount Pizzetto and Mount Pler, at an altitude of five hundred meters, arranged on a geological terrace covered by moraines.

The various paths, with adequate coordinated signs, can be a discovery for further trekking routes or for bikers, crossing the ancient streets up to the pastures that climb to the ridges of the Crocione and Pler mountains.

Discovering Ranzanico, you will find the Palazzo Re-meris, the Silk Museum and C’era una Volta Collection, the Church of the Oratory of San Bernardino, the Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Chiesetta degli Alpini.
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